SSP Miami Meet – Thursday June 2nd – 8 PM

Come out this Thursday evening to SSP Miamis cruise-in!  We will meet at 8 PM at our usual spot in front of Burger Fi on SW 104th Street and US1 this Thursday night!  Plan to dine in at Burger Fi or Bolay – whatever your desire.

This meet is an open cruise-in for all makes / models of cars hosted by SSP and is intended for SSP members or those interested in being a part of the SSP family only. All attendees must conduct themselves according to our agreement with the building management, which includes no speeding through the parking lot, no burn-outs or donuts, no excessive revving of engines, no loud music, no drinking / alcohol in the parking lot, and no use of any controlled substances. Please help us keep this a safe family friendly meetup.
