SSP Wings Over Homestead Air Show Car Display – Sunday April 2nd

SSP Miami is going to take part in the car display during the Wings Over Homestead Air Show on Sunday April 2nd at Homestead Air Force Base.

There is no registration fee or application needed to take part in this event.  You merely must be present at the time and location where the Air Force will be letting cars in.  Note that once in, you CANNOT leave until the show is over, which is estimated to be at 3:30 pm following the Thunderbirds performance.

To keep the club together we need to arrive together, and with the anticipated traffic for the show this will result in a very early morning.

The current plan is for us to START gathering at my place at 7 am and head out no later than 7:30 am.

We will take back roads attempting to avoid the main traffic.  We need to be lined up in their staging location no later than 8:30 to be brought in to the staging location.

Once inside we will not be allowed a tent, but do plan to bring chairs and coolers.  Also please bring your radios for the quick 15 minute drive from my house to the staging location.

This is not a judged show or anything of that kind, merely a part and display.

Please post up any questions or comments.  Hope to have a great showing that day!


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