Redland Cruise Lunch & Brews

Come out with us on Sunday September 20th to drive through the Redlands, Downtown Homestead, and ending at Exit One Taproom for some brews and some lunch provided by Farmhouse BBQ.

PLUS, we will get priority parking and the time to pop the hoods and show off the cars a bit that day.  So shine them up!

We will meet up at Cornerstone Church at 20740 Old Cutler Road starting at 12:00 noon.  We will head out shortly after that.

While on site please remember to keep the revving to a minimum, no burnouts, and no loud music.  Also please don’t bring any coolers with outside beverages or food, we are there to enjoy the food and drinks that these two local small business establishments provide!

Please remember that we are still actively following COVID guidelines.  Please bring your masks, distance yourselves when you can, and most importantly, stay home if you’ve been exposed or are not feeling well.  Please think of your fellow member and their health.

Sign up on Roadstr and make sure to turn on your road sharing app during the drive!  Also don’t forget your radios!!!  Post up any questions or comments.



Sep 20 2020


11:30 am - 4:00 pm


Cornerstone Church
20740 Old Cutler Road, 33189 Cutler Bay
